Is your business missing out on revenue due to not using email marketing?
So you’ve had a awesome website developed and you’re not taking advantage of email marketing.
We can offer your business a stand alone product that is easy to use and manage no matter how big or small your business is. Once setup you can select to pay as you go for the occasional sender or you can buy for the amount of subscribers. So you are using social media to get your business or product out to your customers why not add one more way of interaction with your new and old customers.Keep track of the social shares from your newsletter dashboard.
So you have sent your latest offerings to your subscriber list and want to keep track of who is doing what, not a problem. Our newsletter system will give you the power to see how your customers are interacting with your newsletter.
Easily edit your lists of subscribers 100s to 1000s. Don’t worry these list can handle hundred of thousands of subscribers.
Do you have a massive list of subscribers or maybe you only have 100. Numbers aren’t an issue because we can help you. I hear you ask: “why can’t I just use my email to do this?”. The short answer is you can. But can you track to see what your email is doing once it lands in the inbox? The short answer is no, you can’t. The amount of lists or subscribers is unlimited and so are the templates
Don’t worry the costs aren’t scary. We can get your business publishing your own online newsletter from as little as $12 per month. No Contracts. Don’t have the time to organise your newsletter? We can take care of all the work for you.